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My name is Dr. Jeff Engel.   I am the owner of Optimum Health and Wellness, PLLC in Missoula, MT.  It is my mission and my passion to educate as many people as possible on a variety of health issues that are affecting individuals and families not only in Missoula or Montana, but all over the United States.

I would like to share my vision with everyone.

Vision: A world without chronic  disease.

Imagine a world where the word cancer is foreign.  Imagine a world where heart attacks occur as frequently as earthquakes.  Imagine a world where food and positive state of mind is our only medicine.  Imagine a world where people are vibrant and full of energy.  Imagine a world where people grow old and are active well into their 90’s.  Imagine your last day on this planet consisting of a wonderful meal surrounded by loved ones, a day where you make love to your spouse of many years, a day when you can leave this world truly happy.  Imagine a world without chronic disease.

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